Tips on Centering and Gluing Mirror

Here's some help for getting your mirror placed just right onto your Skeewbacker.
- First, always install your hanging kit before you begin your mosaic.
- On the front of the Skeewbacker, use a ruler and draw a line across the widest part of your backer.
- Rotate 90 degrees and repeat #2.
- Then take the diameter of your backer and subtract from that the diameter of your mirror and divide by 2. For instance, a 12" backer - 8" mirror leaves 4 inches. Divide this by 2 = 2 inches and this is how many inches you should have between the edge of the mirror and the edge of the backer.
- Formula: Backer Diameter - Mirror Diameter / 2
- Make hash marks on the horizontal and vertical lines 2" from the edges (if backer is 12" and mirror is 8").
- Now place the mirror within the hash marks and visually make sure you like the placement.
- Only use adhesive that is stated that it is for mirrors. Otherwise, your silver backing will dissolve over time. Thin set and weld bond will not work with mirror. I recommend a product like Loctite PL 530 Mirror, Marble & Granite Construction Adhesive (I bought mine at Home Depot - see below).
- Flip your mirror over and spread your glue onto the silver back, making sure you bring it all the way to the edges of the mirror. This helps prevent any other types of glues or grouts to seep underneath and damage the silver backing.
- Turn back over and carefully press it down onto your Skeewbacker along the lines you marked for its placement.
You are ever so kind as to share bon mots about aspects of working with glass on a regular basis. I hope that people not in the know read your comments about mirror back adhesive and follow them. And, you gave some very nice directions on cutting mirror glass a couple of blogs ago.