How to Install the Multi-Art Board Hanging System
The Multi-Art Board wooden hanging system is designed to be glued to the back of our Multi-Art wood boards and shapes. Here are the instructions.
What you will receive: MAB (Multi-Art Board) Kit comes with one 6” long wooden board pre-drilled with 2 holes, 2 screws, 2 nuts, 2 d-rings.

You will need to provide: Picture hanging wire, super-glue, a wrench and Phillips head screw driver.

Step 1: the Using the pre-drilled board, put one screw in a hole, turn over and put d-ring on opposite side and hand-tighten the nut on the screw.

Step 2: Place your wrench in place on the nut to hold in place; and on the other side of the board, use your screw driver to tighten the screw until it is at least 1/1000th of an inch below surface of the wood. It cannot be 1/1000th of an inch above the surface of the wood or it will compromise your adhesion, so be sure to slightly sink the screw head down below the wood surface. Turn d-ring so it faces inward.

Step 3: Repeat with the other screw. Have d-rings turned inward so you can thread wire through them.
It is very Important to have everything like you want it before you glue it to your backer. After it is glued, you won’t be able to adjust easily.
Step 4: On the side of the screw heads, apply your super-glue using only 8 drops as shown here. After applying glue, turn over and place on the back of your piece. Press down firmly for a 3-4 seconds and let cure for 24 hours. Only use super-glue.